on&039;t go to the fance departnt aga this year”连衡又道:“you won&039;t receive the oney”
被掐住了命脉,各个霎时苦瓜脸,叔伯挽救道:“hearn, y outh is still very clean, don&039;t s y oney… i don&039;t want to be affected”(hearn,我的嘴巴还是很干净的,不要停掉我的钱…我不想被波及)
“you can punish y o, it has nothg to do with !!!”(您可以惩罚我妈妈,这跟我没关系)
连衡烦躁地凝起了眉,“shut up, double crease, happy for a ont?”(闭嘴,双倍增加,快乐一下?)
叔伯赶忙做了个闭嘴的动作,耸肩摊手:“hearn, let&039;s end this atter like this i don&039;t want to lose y car or y hoe aga on…thg like that”(hearn,这事就这样结束吧,我不想一会儿再失去我的车和我的房…之类的东西)
连衡目光放到大姑和二姑身上,显然不想就这么算了,他嘴角不屑的勾起:“y wife doesn&039;t need you to nt yet”(我的妻子还用不着你们来评论)
小姑气不过,顶嘴道:“hearn, we are faily, she hasn&039;t arried you yet…you shouldn&039;t be protectg her”(hearn,我们是一家人,她还没有和你结婚…你不应该护着她)
连衡轻嗤:“whole faily?”(一家人?)
只是这一个动作,吓得小姑往后退了好几步,脸色骤变:“hearn, don&039;t go crazy!”(hearn,你不要发疯!)
连衡拿着枪,脸色阴沉地蔑视:“whoever huiliates her, i&039;ll kill whoever”(谁辱她,我杀谁)
连衡举起了枪,炮口正对小姑的心脏,叔伯眼看不对劲,把小姑挡在了身后:“hearn, you need to cal down, we still need to take photos today”(hearn,你需要冷静,我们今天还要拍照)
连衡不以为意,懒洋洋一笑,枪口点在了叔伯的脑门上:“are you sure you want to block ?”(你确定要挡我?)